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Egypt : Exact Recreation : Statuary : ORIGINAL One of a kind
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Original Artifact
Size: 6" x 4.5" x 5.5"
Material: stone
Time: c. 500 - 200 BC
Location: Egypt

This beautiful bust of an Egyptian Pharaoh is a testimony to the skill and artistry of an ancient sculpture. Carved from scarce red granite, this bust was probably placed in a tomb of a high functionary to give the deceased greater stature in the afterlife. The the royal head cloth, or nemes, surmounted by the royal cobra, uraeus, identifies this as a Pharaoh. The stone bridge under the chin was originally used to support a false beard. The calm, regal features remind us that he was looked on as a god. Even in the Ptolemaic era Pharaohs still retained their divine right. Cleopatra was the last of the Ptolemies.

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  EGYPTIAN PHARAOH   Original in Private Collection EGCS001X
Variations and Support Items: (click for more information)
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